Point Pleasant is making history—and uncovering some, too—at its annual Battle Days celebration.
ON OCTOBER 10, 1774, THE BATTLE OF POINT PLEASANT—immortalized as the “chief event of Lord Dunmore’s War”—was waged between Virginia troops led by General Andrew Lewis and Native American warriors. Now, 250 years later, the city’s residents and guests are coming together to honor the fight and lives lost. “It’s important that our people know how our country came to be,” says Darlene Haer, treasurer for the Point Pleasant Battle Days Committee.
The battle’s semiquincentennial anniversary will be celebrated with a jam-packed week of history and entertainment centered on Tu-Endie-Wei State Park, with events scattered throughout the city. Opening ceremonies will kick off the week at 6 p.m. on Saturday, October 5, at the Riverfront Amphitheater, followed by the opening of a time capsule that was sealed and buried 50 years ago during the battle’s bicentennial. Throughout the week, attendees can check out art and quilt shows, enjoy “Conversations with History” presented by various speakers, explore Tu-Endie-Wei State Park by lantern light, and so much more. The fun will draw to a close on Sunday, October 13, as a new time capsule is filled and sealed for a future Battle Days crowd to uncover.
With all there is to learn about and explore in Point Pleasant, it’s sure to be a historic week. In Haer’s opinion, “We’re West Virginia’s best kept secret!” Find the full schedule of events online, @battledayspointpleasant on FB.
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