Five years ago, WV Living launched our inaugural “Best of West Virginia” issue. The concept was simple: take advantage of our readers’ local expertise to highlight the best businesses, nonprofits, towns, and people that West Virginia has to offer.
The list has grown each year, and the 2018 version is no exception. While you’ll still find all the same categories you’ve come to expect, in honor of the magazine’s
10th anniversary, we have added a brand-new feature: winners for each of the state’s nine tourism regions, selected by you, the readers.
The most exciting thing about compiling these lists is that we know they will never be definitive. Somewhere, someone could be starting a business or making art that will earn a place in these pages next year. And when the time comes, we’ll be counting on you to tell us about them.
Winners By Category
Regional Award Winners
WINNERS, promote yourself with our press release and social media marketing kit. HERE
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